All events leave a record of their existence. The grinding deterioration of time on the physical world leaves marks, evidence of the events the preceded them. A star may be long since burned out but light warped by gravity travels through time and space, recording its past existence. Beauty can be created by the harmonious arrangement of order and apparent disorder, as it occurs in natural patterns and structures like clouds, waves, cellular and crystal structures. As we peer into quantum particles of the nucleus and gaze ever deeper into space we continue to see patterns on the micro level repeated on the macro level. These repeated patterns confront us with the physical laws of the universe and a dynamic picture of the natural patterns and structures that surround us.
My drawings are a consequence of a dynamic event in which I expose the apparent chaos and unpredictability of Nature.
In doing so, I reveal the natural structures and patterns formed under the strain of gravity. Nature and art can be sublime in those of its appearances, which allow intuition to ponder the idea of infinitely interwoven relationships.
"It is the artist's mission to penetrate as far as may be toward that secret ground where primal law feeds growth. Which artist would not wish to dwell at the central organ of all motion in space-time (be it the brain or the heart of creation) from which all functions derive their life? In the womb of nature, in the primal ground of creation, where the secret key to all things lies hidden?...our beating heart drives us downward far down to the primal ground."
~Paul Klee, Uber die Moderne Kunst

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Speed ball. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Serpentine Dance. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Black hole descent. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Serpentine dance. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Speedball. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Frozen motion. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Comet. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Bounce. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Shooting Stars. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Descending impact. 2012, Framed. 57 1/4 x 41 1/4 inches..

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Comet. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Celestial dance. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Rapid arch. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Descending impact. 2012, Framed. 36 1/4 x 28 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Comet. 2012, Framed. 57 1/4 x 41 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Descending impact. 2012, Framed. 57 1/4 x 41 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Comet. 2012, Framed. 57 1/4 x 41 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Speedball. 2012, Framed. 41 1/4 x 57 1/4 inches.

Gravity Drawing, Time and Space series, Continuous motion. 2012, Framed. 41 1/4 x 57 1/4 inches.